2 : - Salt-hill Ant and a fat friend from a Sugar-mill!

Explanation with a short-story :-

An ant living in a salt-hill met a friend of his from a sugar mill. The fat corpulent, cheerful sugar-mill ant enquired in sympathy and friendship if there was famine in the salt-hill, for the later was thin, emaciated  and melancholy.

During the meeting it was decided that the salt-hill ant should visit the home of the fat friend of sugar-mill. While packing for the trip  to the sugar-mill, the salt-hill ant carried a few day's ration with it. Even after a couple of day's stay in the mount of sugar the salt-hill ant looked all the more depressed and unhappy. His host was anxious and worried. On enquiry for the cause of his depression, the salt-hill ant replied, "friend, there is every comfort here. But the taste of your food does not suit me." It was a shocking surprise to the host. "If sugar which is all but sweetness is not sweet to the friend" he wondered  "what else can taste sweet for him?"

On closer enquiry it was discovered that the salt-hill ant had still some salt bits in his mouth! He was, however, persuaded to spit them out, and then lo! the very same sugar which was not sweet before became the sweetest thing the salt-hill ant had ever tasted!

We are all in life acting and suffering as true salt-hill ants. "Spit out the saline contents of the heart  then taste the Sugar of the Divine Life, which is nothing but sweetness. End all the fears, limitations, disappointments and come to enjoy the joyous, unlimited, hopeful existence"

This the call of VEDANTHA,  the Religion of Detachment. Detach yourselves from the salt bits and you shall come to taste the Mount of Sugar.

Detachment follows, in the next! 


Swami Chinmayananda


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