But to one who has evolved himself into a full grown person, such carvings of the soul flood his/her being and push him/her increasingly towards the limits of his/her understandings and feelings . In the unrest of the soul he/she comes to despair at the wonder and majesty of the most intimate fact with him/her--life. The questions they ask themselves are; Where did I come from? Where do I go? Why have I come? Is life an empty and meaningless incident? Has life a purpose? Is there a mission in life?

Only a full grown person, who has lived his/her days experiences intelligently and has throughout kept an alert critical attention upon the incidents of life, can attain an inner maturity in which he/she comes to feel  the soul's unrest. Religion is addressed to such an individual. Religion explains, assures and guides him.her. It lends a purpose to his/her day to day existence, far more divine and nobler than mere eating, drinking, sleeping, laughing and weeping. [to be cont---d]

By Swami Chinmayanabda.  


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