The outer world remaining the same. In this very world of imperfections and sorrows, we shall have an unbroken experience of sweet solace and full contentment. We shall gain in ourselves a capacity to remain aloof in a safe island within and watch the fierce storms of passions that madly blast  about all around us, and if we be but true followers of religion, gain through its practices a mental equipment which can seek for itself and gain poise and balance under all circumstances.

Thus understanding the real function of religion and secret scheme of its blessings, we can approach it with certainty of gain. What greater gift we can expect of any institution than a heavy presentation of the philosopher's stone, which by its touch can convert all sorrows into joy, all failures into success and losses into gains? A truly devoted heart does not go mad with power, become boastful with success, commit suicide at failures, murder in anger, suffer in jealousy, grow arrogant in wealth and despair in poverty. Under all conditions he is unmoved, un agitated. His heart is an ocean of peace, rest, and joy.   


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