The law of karma has been often misunderstood as the law of Destiny. There is indeed a lot of difference between law of karma and law of destiny. Had our Law of Karma been equal to the Law of Destiny, the Hindu civilization would have been long ago ended like the Roman or the Egyptian civilizations. The Law of Destiny has a corroding effect upon the human heart and in short time it renders its followers to be mere ineffectual lotus-eaters. If a nation depends entirely upon the Law of Destiny to guide it, it shall fall and become a country of narrow-minded,inactive animals.
On the other hand, a people believing in the Law of Karma and who live up to it become a generation of spiritual giants and dynamic citizens. The Law of Karma is based upon the final conclusion that this life is not an end in itself but is just one of the little incidents in the Eternal Existence of each one of us. Amongst us, each one is a type and has a life different from the other. The destiny of one is obviously different fro that of the other. Had this has been the very first and the last of our births, we should have had a more uniformity of experience in life. [to be cont--------------d.]