We must learn to stop all such confusions in our minds. Mistakes not the container for the contents. All khadicaps do not adorn  a head truly glowing with the spirit of freedom; all sacred robes do not conceal a heart gurgling with love divine. Some magic shown, some eloquence exhibited, some memorized verses chanted or some exaggerated claims  made -these cannot create a divine out of the essentially base and the brutal. The shameless way in which smart magicians, eloquent speakers and students of good memory are today parading in our country claiming themselves to be incarnations, is in itself a sad commentary upon our intelligence.

Please remember it is not for them to claim that they are divine; it is for us to come to our own individual, independent judgement of them for what they are worth. Remember this when you next meet one of these cheap claimants to lucrative god-hood. Ignore them as we must the squint in other's eye; suffer them, as we do the summer's heat. [END]

By Swami Chinmayananda.


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