

God is concerned of, in all  the religions,as the embodiment of all positive qualities of a human mind, and, therefore to remember him constantly is to change the quality of thought in the devotee's mental life. And, since positive thoughts bring about tranquility and peace, the quality of thoughts in the mind is also controlled and chastened.

As the same given mind cannot efficiently apply itself in more than one direction, to remember the Lord is to, in fact, forget everything  other than him. If i am going to the office, it automatically means that i am moving away from my home, since no individual can be at one and the same time, both at home and at the office. To remember the Lord is to forget everything other than the Lord-that is, the direction of the the thoughts is turned God-ward, and not allowed to continue in its present impetuous sense-ward flow.

Positive approach  of remembering an ideal is easy and natural for a healthy human mind. It is an entertainment for a mind to act positively and remember a definite thought given to it; but the human mind is never so efficient to function negatively and forget a given idea. This positive attitude , which is the nature of the mind, is ignored by all over insistent moralities and ethical puritans. The parents and elders, teachers and professors, priests and pandits, scriptures and puranas, have all been constantly preaching the non-performance of certain type of thought. All priests are persistently preaches don'ts. 


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