

If this unprofitable method of instruction in religion is not totally given up, very soon, we shall have empty Houses of Gods which shall shelter only few unintelligent pandits,priests, and moulvies.

It is certainly a most acceptable thing for all of us if religion claims to bringb about a revolution in the individual human personality. We all realize that unless the texture of the human heart is changed the external prosperity and comforts, which science has assured for us, cannot fulfil themselves in the world. Happiness is that state of mind inhuman when he/she comes in contact with the happy scheme of existence that science has created in our age for us. A transformation of mental quality is indeed, the most beneficial thing to be achieved by the members of the human community all and around the world. Priests in all religion unanimously indicate this acceptable goal of perfection as the very thing to strive for, if our life is again to be guided into a state of its fulfilment.

Swami Chinmayananda.


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