True Spiritual Living -2.2 -Swami Krishnananda.

=================================================================================== Sunday, November 2024, 05:30. Yoga & Meditation True Spiritual Living Chapter 2: The Difficulty in Following the Spiritual Path-2. Post-9. =================================================================================== A Guru is necessary. We cannot know our mistakes. When we do a wrong, who will tell us that we are doing a wrong? We cannot know it, because we have identified ourselves with it. Sometimes the Guru's grace, sometimes God's blessings come and enlighten us, illumine us. Our meritorious deeds done in the previous lives come and awaken us. When everything goes wrong, the intellect can detect that something is wrong; but if the intellect itself goes wrong, then who will detect the mistake? That is our pitiable condition. So, again I emphasise the need for a Guru. When we are on the wrong path, who will find out that we are on the wrong path? A Guru is necessary. When conscious...