Philosophical Deliberations - Swami Krishnananda

================================================================ Tuesday, 06 Feb 2024. 05:30. Article Philosophy Philosophical Deliberations: ================================================================ The consideration of the nature of the Supreme Absolute is known as Ontology. Contemplation on the nature of the Creative God is known as Theology. The study of the nature of the world is Astronomy, Geology, Geography and History. The study of the individual is Psychology, including Psychoanalysis. The study of the relationship between God and the world is Cosmology. A probe into the relationship between the world and the individual is Epistemology. The study of the relationship between individual and God is Religion. The study of the relationship between one individual and another individual is Sociology, which includes Economics, Ethics and Politics. Meditation is just Total Thinking. Now, what does this mean? Generally when a person commences meditation, there is the i...