On Reason and Higher Life - 2 : Swami Krishnananda.

================================================================ Wednesday, 06 Dec 2023 05:30. Article Philosophy On Reason and Higher Life -2. ================================================================ On Reason and Higher Life -2. Whether it is moral to accept something for nothing is a digression from the point at issue, for unselfish service and accepting something for nothing are two different standpoints. Do you think hat people accept money merely because they do not want the other to receive something for nothing? Is it the consideration of the morality of the others that makes us accept money from them? Have you seen one individual in this world who thinks like this? You know, legal quibbles do not always touch the core of truth. Take the matter as it is, on its face. Do we accept money from others so that others may be benefited by the morality thereof? Definitely not. We want the money for ourselves. And the morality in regard to the other is irrelevant to t...