Humanity as Yajna or Sacrifice for Perfection - 3 : Swami Krishnananda.

============================================================ Friday, 29 Sep 2023 05:30. Article Philosophy Humanity as Yajna or Sacrifice for Perfection -3. ============================================================== Humanity as Yajna or Sacrifice for Perfection -3. Satyameva jayate, is a great motto with which you are all familiar. And what is this Satyam, the Truth? Satyatvam badha rahityam said a great master. That which is 'uncontradictable', is the Truth, and if 'Truth alone triumphs', it is another way of saying that the 'Uncontradictable' alone triumphs. My dear friends, can I put you a question? Have you seen anything in this world which is uncontradictable? Everything is contradicted by everything else. There is supersession of values. Everything is transcended by something else. There is nothing in this world which cannot be negated by a subsequent occurrence or historical procession. It is because of this fact that it is said that there is no Reali...