======================================================================== Saturday, 08 Jul, 2023. 05:30. THE MAHA-VAKYAS : TAT TVAM ASI That Thou Art : Post-47. ========================================================================= NEED TO ASSUME A REFLECTION OF THE SELF : Certain schools of Buddhism hold that there exists no witness other than the modifications of the intellect, which modifications are, by themselves, both the perceivers and the perceived. Even if we are to accept the need for a Knower to these modifications who will be constant (Knower should be the same in respect to all modifications, as based on the evidence of recognition, on the evidence of the inherent capacity to synthesise all modifications and relate it to one individual) and who will know or witness the presence or otherwise of these modifications, some schools of Vedantins hold that there is no need to assume a reflection of the Self. Accepting this knower cannot solve the problem, for, ...