========================================================================= Monday, 26 Jun, 2023. 05:30. TAT TVAM ASI = That Thou Art : The Maha-Vakyas : Post-46. ======================================================================== THE EXPERIENCER OF TRANSMIGRATORY EXISTENCE : Transmigratory existence cannot be predicated of the Pure Self by virtue of Its being actionless; nor can it be predicated of the ego which is, devoid of a real existence, not a conscious entity. The only plausible explanation is that transmigratory existence is due to lack of proper discrimination between the Pure Self and the non-Self. Nevertheless, transmigratory existence has always an apparent existence solely due to the real existence of the Self, and further, appears to belong to the Self owing to indiscrimination. That is like the apparent existence had by the rope-snake on the basis of the reality of the rope, of course, prior to the discrimination between the rope and the ...