======================================================================== Monday, March 06, 2023. 06:00. TAT TVAM ASI = That Thou Art : The Maha-Vakyas : Post-44. ======================================================================== Inapplicability Of Viseshana Viseshya Bhava : It is open for anyone to contend that the words Tat and Tvam may be interpreted and identified through the use of either solely Samanadhikarana or Viseshana Viseshya Bhava as in the case of a Blue Lotus, without the help of Bhagatyaga Lakshana. The answer to that is that the literal meaning, as understood in the statement ‘the blue lotus,’ does not fit in with the sentence Tat Tvam Asi. In the assertion ‘the blue lotus,’ the two words ‘blue’ and ‘lotus,’ by themselves, are two contrary ideas, but still they qualify each other so as to signify a common object. This mutual qualification is Viseshana Viseshya Bhava. All lotuses are not blue and all blue things are not lotuses. But in this particu...