========================================================================= ========================================================================= Tuesday, December 27, 2022. 06:00. TAT TVAM ASI = That Thou Art : The Maha-Vakyas : Post-42. ========================================================================= Bhagatyaga Lakshana (As applied to Tat Tvam Asi) In a foregoing context, while, concluding the details of the a priori method, it was said: In the sentence Tat Tvam Asi, Tat refers to the reflected consciousness in Maya, and Tvam to the reflected consciousness in Avidya, the word Asi proclaiming their unity. It asserts that the one Chit alone, reflected in a twofold way, goes under the names Isvara and Jiva, when it is respectively qualified by the Upadhis Maya and Avidya in its reflected state. Now, that conclusion is taken for consideration. (A) Vachyartha of the word Tat:— Tat refers to Isvara; He has the following qualifications and associations: (1) Undif...