======================================================================== ========================================================================= Wednesday, November 30, 2022. 06:00. TAT TVAM ASI = That Thou Art : The Maha-Vakyas : Post-41. =================================================================== Vachyartha And Lakshyartha : The meaning of a word may be threefold. They are: Vachyartha or primary meaning that is directly conveyed by the word; Lakshyartha or implied meaning or the meaning it conveys through implication; and Vyangyartha or suggested meaning, or the meaning hinted at or suggested by the word through its associations. The relationship that exists between a word and its meaning is called Vritti. This Vritti is twofold, viz., Sakti Vritti and Lakshana Vritti. That relationship which exists between a word and its meaning, and which has the power to generate Arthajnana or a knowledge of the meaning of the word is called Sakti Vritti. The meaning tha...