========================================================================= ======================================================================== Thursday, October 20, 2022. 08:00. TAT TVAM ASI = That Thou Art : The Maha-Vakyas : Post-39. ======================================================================== Introduction : THAT THOU ART!’—Thus the Sruti emphatically and boldly voices forth the highest and most sublime truth that is the essence of all scriptures, nay, that is the goal of all scriptural teachings and assertions. It is the greatest declaration ever made on the face of the earth. It is the profoundest teaching ever given since the dawn of creation. It is the only way of expressing and indicating the Truth that is beyond the reach of the mind and the senses. It is the one unique teaching that comforts the distressed humanity and infuses inner spiritual strength and courage into them to pooh-pooh the miseries and pains of mundane existence and soar high i...