======================================================================= ====================================================================== Thursday, July 28, 2022. 06:30. Khandam X : III. Guna Post-35. ======================================================================= III. Gunas : Disciple: What Guna is found in the physical body? Guru: Tamoguna. Disciple: What Guna is found in the Pranamaya Kosha? Guru: Rajoguna. Disciple: What is the Guna found in the Manomaya Kosha? Guru: Sattva mixed with Tamas. Disciple: What is the Guna found in the Vijnanamaya Kosha? Guru: Sattva mixed with Rajas. Disciple: What is the Guna found in the Anandamaya Kosha? Guru: Sattva, technically called the Malina-Sattva (mixed with Rajas and Tamas) in contrast with Suddha-Sattva of which Maya is the embodiment. Disciple: Where are the Karmendriyas located? Guru: In the Pranamaya Kosha. Disciple: Where are the Jnanendriyas located? Guru: In the Manomaya Kosha. Disciple: Where does Jnanasakti rest? ...