========================================================================= ========================================================================= Sunday, June 19, 2022. 06:00. AM. Khandam X : II. The Five Sheaths : Post-34. ========================================================================= II. The Five Sheaths : Disciple: What is meant by a Kosha? Guru: Kosha means a sheath. Disciple: Kindly illustrate these sheaths. Guru: Just as a pillow-cover is a covering or a sheath for the pillow, just as a scabbard is a sheath for the sword or the dagger, so also this body, Pranas, mind, intellect and the causal body are sheaths that cover the Atman or the Soul. There is the singlet close to the body; over this there is the shirt; over the shirt there is the waist-coat; over the waist-coat there is the coat; over the coat there is the overcoat. Even so, the Atman is enveloped by these five sheaths. Disciple: How many sheaths are there in the body? Guru: There are five sheaths. Disc...