============================================================== =============================================================== Thursday, January 20, 2022. 06:00.AM. Pseudo-Vedantic Student : Post-28. ============================================================= PSEUDO-VEDANTIC STUDENT : A young aspirant says: “I have taste for Vedanta only. I do not like either Bhakti or Karma Yoga. They are far inferior to Vedanta. Only Vedanta elevates me. Only Vedanta inspires me and raises me to the magnanimous heights of Divine Splendour and Glory.” This foolish Vedantic student is like the greedy typhoid patient with ulcers in his bowels, who wants to eat and says, “I have taste for sweetmeats. I want to eat them now.” What will be the result if he eats Rasgullas and Laddus at this stage? The bowels will rupture and he will die of bleeding from the bowels or intestinal haemorrhage immediately. He is also like the patient who selects himself a medicine from the almirah, Liquor Arsenicals or T...