======================================================================================= ======================================================================================= Saturday, February 13, 2021. 09:32. AM. VEDANTA FOR BEGINNERS 6.SIVA-VIDYA : Post-27 ==================================================================================== ========================================================================================================= Khanda I : Nature Of Brahman : Om! Brahman or Siva or the Impersonal Absolute is the Source and Substratum for the world of phenomena. He is the Source of the Vedas. From Him this world proceeds. In Him it lives. In Him it gets dissolved. He is Eternal, Self-existent, Self-luminous and Self-contained. He is all-Full. He is beyond Time, Space and Causation. He is birthless, deathless and decayless. Khanda II : Contradictions Reconciled He moves and moves not. He moves in His manifested or Saguna aspect. He moves not in His transcendental ...