------------------------------------------ Tuesday, October 20, 2020. 08:01. AM. 2. PHILOSOPHY OF RAGA-DVESHA Post-21. ------------------------------------------ Raga and Dvesha (likes and dislikes) only constitute this Samsara or this world of phenomena. It can be totally destroyed by knowledge of Brahman. Raga-Dvesha is a Vasana. It has four states. Raga-Dvesha, Vasanas, Samskaras and Gunas are intertwined. They co-exist. The seat of Raga-Dvesha is the mind and the senses. Destruction of one will lead to the destruction of others. But the destruction of the source, Avidya or Ajnana, the seed of msara, through Brahma-Jnana will destroy everything to the very root. The cultivation of virtues like Maitri (friendship), Karuna, (mercy), Mudita (complacency) and peksha (indifference) can thin out or attenuate Raga-Dvesha. This is the Pratipaksha-Bhavana method or ultivation of the opposite positive qualities, of the Raja Yogins. Destruction of Avidya will lead to th...