------------------------------------------ Sunday, August 23, 2020. 6:15. AM. 1. Introduction - 17 17. Obstacles In Vedantic Sadhana : ------------------------------------------ 1. Ahamkara is the greatest obstacle to Self-realisation. “I know everything. My view or opinion alone is correct. What I do is right. That man does not know anything. Everybody should follow what I say. Everybody should obey me. I am free from any kind of fault. I am full of auspicious qualities. I am very intelligent. That man is very stupid. That man is wretched. That man has got many defects. I am wise. I am beautiful.” Thus says the egoistic man. This is the nature of Rajasic Ahamkara. He hides his own faults. He exaggerates and advertises his own abilities and qualities. He belittles others. He condemns others. He superimposes faults on others which they have not got. He sees not good but evil in others. He superimposes on himself several good qualities which he does not pos...