======================================================================= ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29/02/2020. 1. Introduction -8 & 9. 8. The Guru And The Disciple & 9. Vedantic Ethics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. The Guru And The Disciple : The aspirant in olden days used to approach the Guru, with a bundle of sticks (Samit) in his hand, for spiritual instruction. What does this indicate? He prays to his preceptor, “O adorable Guru! Let my bundle of sins and worldly Vasanas be burnt in the fire of wisdom through thy grace.Let the divine flame grow in me. Let me attain the highest illumination. Make me realise, the Tuner Self-effulgent Atman. Let my senses, mind, Prana and egoism be given as oblation in the fire of wisdom. Let me shine as the Light of lights!” It is Guru’s grace th...