Vedantam for Beginners -1 : 24. : I / 1,2,3.- Swami Sivananda

======================================================================== 13/08/2019 Vedantam for Beginners -1 : 24. : I / 1,2,3. - Swami Sivananda ======================================================================== 1. INTRODUCTION : 24 24. ILLUSTRATIONS IN VEDANTAM : I.(Nyayas) : The Vedanta Philosophy is best taught through practical illustrations of daily life, because its abstract truths cannot be understood by the finite intellect very easily. The main purport of Vedanta is that Brahman alone is real and the whole world of appearance is unreal, and that the Jiva is nothing but Brahman Itself. This abstruse theory cannot be comprehended by ordinary men of small understanding, who are immersed in the life of relativity and ignorance. They are taught this sublime Truth by means of illustrations suitable to them, so that they may fix their minds on the Reality through various angles of vision. -----------------------------------------------------...