
Showing posts from August, 2018

Vedantam for Beginners -1: 7,8,9.

15/08/2018 Vedantam for Beginners -1:7,8,9 1. Introduction :-7,8,9. 7. The Guru And The Disciple : The aspirant in olden days used to approach the Guru, with a bundle of sticks (Samit) in his hand, for spiritual instruction. What does this indicate? He prays to his preceptor, “O adorable Guru! Let my bundle of sins and worldly Vasanas be burnt in the fire of wisdom through thy grace. Let the divine flame grow in me. Let me attain the highest illumination. Make me realise, the Inner Self-effulgent Atman. Let my senses, mind, Prana and egoism be given as oblation in the fire of wisdom. Let me shine as the Light of lights!” It is Guru’s grace that removes the veil of ignorance of the disciple. The Guru’s grace penetrates the heart of the disciple and raises the Brahmakara-vritti in him. The highly exalted Brahmanishtha Guru, for whom there is no world, comes down from his exalted state to teach the disciple. 8. Vedantic Ethics : If you want to practise Vedanta or Jnana Yog...

Vedantam for Beginners -1.6

02/08/2018 Vedantam for Beginners -1.6 1. Introduction :-6 6. The Mind And Its Works : Mind is Jagat. The mind moves the senses, the Pranas, etc. Mind is the cause of bondage and liberation. A keen study of the mind and its works is necessary for the study of Vedanta. The presiding deity of the mind is Moon or Soma. Moon is cool. It is formed of Apas-Tattva (water). Water has a tendency to run downwards. So also the tendency of the mind is always to run downwards towards sensual objects. The external ear, the eye-balls, etc., are only instruments. They are not the real senses of Indriyas. The real centres or senses are in the brain or most correctly in the astral body (Sukshma Sarira). If the auditory nerve and the vision-centre in the brain are affected you can neither hear nor see. So is the case with the other senses also. During dream the mind itself does the function of all the senses, despite the absence of the external instruments or the senses, such as eye-bal...