What is Knowledge : Ch-8-7.

Chapter-8 : Control of the Instruments of Knowledge.7. We take for granted that everything is clear to us the moment something is presented before our eyes; but it is not so clear. The presentation of an object – call it the world or the universe, if you so like – before our consciousness in the process of sensory perception is conditioned by invisible operations which go by the name of the space and the time factors. Space and time refuse to be regarded as objects of the senses. They somehow connive to remain independent of our idea of the object of knowledge, and secretly they manoeuvre a misconstruing of everything by the perceiving subject by interfering with every type of knowing – knowing in any way whatsoever. Space and time interfere with us inwardly as well as outwardly – perpetually, continually, unremittingly. Swami Krishnananda To be continued ....