
True Spiritual Living -2.4 -Swami Krishnananda.

  ====================================================================================== Thursday 30, January 2025, 05:30. Yoga & Meditation True Spiritual Living Chapter 2: The Difficulty in Following the Spiritual Path-4. Post-11. ================================================================================== Chinmaya Mission Ahmedabad Patriotism at its peak on Republic Day, at ParamDham!! Jay Bharat! Vande Mataram! 🇮🇳 ================================================================================ The setup of things is nothing but a particular stage of the evolution of the world; and we are a part of the world. Therefore, at any given level or stage of evolution, we are obliged to follow the law or rule of that particular stage of evolution. Yesterday, I mentioned this point to someone that when we go to Rome, we should be Romans. It is an old saying, which means to say that we cannot apply the law of one realm to another realm to which we do not really belong and in w...

True Spiritual Living -2.3 -Swami Krishnananda.

============================================================================================================= Thursday, December 2024, 08:30. Yoga & Meditation True Spiritual Living Chapter 2: The Difficulty in Following the Spiritual Path-3. Post-10. ================================================================================== The idea is that there is no use merely being touched by a high-tension wire unless we are good conductors of that force. If we are good conductors, we will pass that force through us. We will receive it properly. Otherwise, it will be like passing thousands of volts through a small filament of an electric bulb that can bear only 220 volts. It will simply fuse in a second and burst. Nothing will be left of it. Our scriptures tell us that nobody should try to practise yoga unless proper preparation has already been made by way of discipline. In the raja yoga of Patanjali, the terms yama and niyama are used. In Vedantic terminology, sadhana chatushtaya an...