
True Spiritual Living -2.1 -Swami Krishnananda.

=================================================================================== Wednesday  16,  October 2024,  05:30. Yoga & Meditation True Spiritual Living Chapter 2: The Difficulty in Following the Spiritual Path-1. Post-8. =================================================================================== Chapter 2: The Difficulty in Following the Spiritual Path-1: It is very important to remember what I told you yesterday because it concerns the basic principles of spiritual life, what we call the theorem of the entire structure of our life's aspirations, from which follow many consequences. These consequences are the activities of life, the hopes of mankind, the troubles of people, and the tensions of every individual. All blessed things follow automatically from the nature of life. The point I tried to bring out is that all action is a tendency towards the expansion of being. There is no such thing as activity, really speaking; it is only an effort of being to expand

True Spiritual Living -1.7 -Swami Krishnananda.

=================================================================================== Monday  19, Aug 2024.  05:30. Yoga & Meditation True Spiritual Living Chapter 1: Spirituality is the Expansion of Being - 7. Post-7. =================================================================================== When we say God works, it does not mean that somebody else is working. We also have a wrong notion of God, that God means somebody else. We make a distinction between God, world and man. That is, again, due to the prejudice of space, time and cause. Why do we think that God is in the heavens and outside us? It is because of space. We bring a spatial distinction even between us and God. The concept of God transcends the idea of space, time and cause. That is the real Being, inseparable from our being, and inseparable from the beings of other people also, so that there can be only one Being. This consciousness of the totality of Being—not merely an aggregate of particulars, but the real m

True Spiritual Living -1.6 -Swami Krishnananda.

Chinmaya Mission Ahmedabad - Jul21,2024. Guru Purnima celebrations at ParamDham today ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ™‡‍♀️๐Ÿ™‡. =================================================================================== Tuesday 30, Jul 2024.  05:30. Yoga & Meditation True Spiritual Living Chapter 1: Spirituality is the Expansion of Being - 6. Post-6. ================================================================================== That is why mere sociological, political, economic and external methods of unity have failed, right from historical times. All the great empires have fallen, including the Roman, the Greek, the Assyrian and the Babylonian empires. Everything has gone to dust because these were all erroneous methods attempted by people, with a pious motive no doubt, for bringing about a unity which cannot happen merely by piling up particulars. The joining of people into a social unity is only a grouping of particulars into a heap, and that is not real unity. What we are trying to have is a single being,